Viva Cuba!

5 × 30' (GER, FRE, ENG subs)

Despite its struggle with poverty and its politics, the small communist Caribbean island Cuba, has long since been a popular tourist spot.

Nowadays, this relatively untouched island has opened its doors to people near and far. Viva Cuba! explores Havanna, soaking in history, music and culture, while admiring the island’s architecture and its penchant for classic cars. On our travel through Cuba, we afford insight into the cultural changes of this country.

Welcome to Cuba! The once closed off island with a rich and complex history and an equally vibrant culture has finally opened its gates to the West. But what repercussions could this decision have on the society of this paradisiacal vacation spot?  

In Viva Cuba, you will meet the Cuban actor, Fernando Spengler, who grants us a guided tour through the terrains of his homeland. He will show us how the western lifestyle once denied to the people of Cuba, differs from that developed during their isolation. With Fernando’s road trip through Cuba we will observe a completely new world.

This documentary will show the changes experience by the country, since its reintegration into western civilization and how the citizens’ have responded to this change. In order advance, everybody and everything must change but, “it doesn’t matter where they are, they are now and forever will be Cuban.”


  • Trailer

  • Episode 1

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Episode 2

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Episode 3

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Episode 4

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Episode 5

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Original Title
    Kuba - Auf zu neuen Ufern
  • Year
  • Length
    5 × 30' (GER, FRE, ENG subs)
  • Resolution
  • Film by
    Hasko Baumann, Olaf Grunert, Martin Pieper
  • Produced by
  • Trailer

  • Episode 1

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
    You will need to login in order to watch Screener!
  • Episode 2

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Episode 3

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Episode 4

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Episode 5

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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