Libya - Rising from the Ashes

52' (ENG, GER, FRE), 45' (GER)

Libyan native and political scientist, Abdusalam Hamtoun journeys through his homeland. His objective: stir hope of change and a new start within the people.

For decades, the Western world only connected Gaddafi and images of civil war and chaos with Libya. Is there hope for a democratic new beginning in this shattered country? Libyan political scientist Abdulsalam Hamtoun wants to find out and takes the viewer on a journey through his homeland. The film reveals the other side of Libya: its amazing cultural richness and the once forgotten urban youths. From the ashes of the civil war and four decades of dictatorship blooms a functioning democracy with a new constitution.

Abdulsalam seeks direct dialogue with his compatriots amid hardened fronts: from a taxi driver to a football star, from a shopkeeper to a professor, he is told about their hopes and fears. Is it possible for the opposing groups to agree on a common Libyan identity? Do young, new ideas bring a peaceful future, or does a return to lived traditions and almost forgotten cultural heritage help?
Abdulsalam's journey also takes him to the hard-to-reach Sahara, to his family from the Tuareg desert tribe - one of the most dangerous crisis regions in the world.
  • Trailer

    Screener - German
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  • Screener, 52'

    Screener - English
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  • Screener, 52'

    Screener - German
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  • Original Title
    Aus der Asche
  • Year
  • Length
    52' (ENG, GER, FRE), 45' (GER)
  • Resolution
  • Film by
    Juri Mazumdar
  • Produced by
  • Trailer

    Screener - German
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  • Screener, 52'

    Screener - English
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  • Screener, 52'

    Screener - German
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