Max Beckmann

52' (GER, FRE, ENG subs)

Max Beckmann is a German Modernist painter whose works are the most coveted today.

Max Beckmann is a German Modernist painter whose works are the most coveted today. This film draws on a considerable amount of new materials: diaries and letters that can be dramatized as a kind of personal disclosure. There are photos of him and film material shot by him. His many self-portraits can be used as a leitmotif to document his search for truth in a chronological way. And the film recalls his many places of residence in order to illustrate his turbulent life during turbulent times.

For him and the other artists of his generation, the First World War was the major caesura of the epoch. But the experience of existential solitude and the loss of all traditional conventions had such a marked impact on him and his work that he became a radical and unyielding seeker of truth.

Constantly and diligently, he looks at the time - And again and again, at himself. His goal was to discover a valid expression - an enduring form. One could call Albert Camus a late spiritual brother of Beckmann as both created art from their experience of unbounded solitude in the world. Both, however, also had the strength to withstand this experience in a radical way.

The film is being made in collaboration with Max Beckmann’s granddaughter, Mayen Beckmann.

  • Screener

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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  • Original Title
    Max Beckmann
  • Year
  • Length
    52' (GER, FRE, ENG subs)
  • Resolution
  • Film by
    Michael Trabitzsch
  • Produced by
  • Screener

    Screener - German with English Subtitles
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